Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Curriculum Options

Today was a ruff day. We started off on the wrong note so I had to stop and start again several hours later. The last couple days Porter has been taking really early naps so that has worked well and Grant has been entertaining himself by digging up worms. I am afraid of what will happen when the weather is no longer pleasant. The snow is only exciting for so long. Days like today I rethink everything I am doing. Is IDVA the best way to go? We probably won't do it next year. I keep waiting for these great experience that we just are quite reaching. Most days really are good but, I was talking to a lady the other day who homeschooled all her children, which are now grown. She told me how much they loved homeschooling and when she sent them to public school they begged to come home. I am afraid if I put Benson in public school he would rather stay, maybe not. I feel like we are too busy trying to keep up all the things IDVA requires that I am missing out on the fun teaching moments. My aunt was right, it is like a public school in the home. I want to teach Benson about the things around him that are interesting, like 9/11 for history instead of learning animals that are native to Australia. Language Art Lessons have you read the same story 4 times and ask different questions each time like, "What words would you use to describe Jack?" Seriously? For a kindergartener? Math is frustrating too because we are still taking assessments. How do you make a test fun? It's not! You can't! Things like count to 10, count to 20, make a picture graph, and hammer it into them. Phonics is Phonics. We are caught up on assessments there at least. Give me another week and things will be better. I just need to learn to work the system, teach the objectives, move on, then get creative. The thing that I was struggling the most with before was giving up the state curriculum. I was afraid I would forget to teach him something and I don't have $800 to invest in all the 1st grade curriculum kits. Now, I realize if I forget something, it is very likely he will pick up on it anyway. I am doing my homework and couple people have told me they use several resources from the library. We do have a great library for such a small town. I am still exploring other avenues to find a better teaching method. The government method is not for us.